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My Recipe

short blurb

Special Cookware Needed

  • special cookware a
  • special cookware b

Times (hr:min)

Prep Cook / Bake Total
00:00 00:00 00:00

Servings: ~xx
Yield: xx

Ingredient List

✅ # Unit Ingredient
[ ] 1/2 cup item c
{{< cx >}} 1 cup item c
{{< cx >}} 1_1/2 cup item c
{{< cx >}} 1 Tbsp item d
{{< cx >}} 1 tsp item e
{{< cx >}} 1 pkg item e
{{< cx >}} 1 can item e
{{< cx >}} 1 eggs
{{< cx >}} 1 oz. item a
{{< cx >}} 1 lb. item a
{{< cx >}} 1
item b


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F
  2. instruction b


    enter tip info here

  3. instruction with fraction 1/3 in it

  4. instruction d
  5. ⏱Bake for 00:40-45, or until top is crispy and/or ingredient x has melted

🎉 Bon Appétit!


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